I've noticed that InDesign on export to epub has been changing things and adding code errors that I have to fix afterward. Font sizes are being enlarged on h1 and h2 elements and codes for apostrophes in the description metadata. I saw that before with CS5 and it was simple enough to fix but I also found two instances of unexplained 'replacement code' in the toc links. What the heck? This causes problems when you have headers and images on a page with minimal wiggle room. Despite your best intentions, page breaks become problematic. Thank goodness for Dreamweaver's ability to show you a live preview while you adjust the CSS. I'm using DW more as my editor for the final steps of making ebooks. You set the OEBPS folder for a book as a new site and and you have all your assets there and the CSS management is top notch of course. Make a change, click the live view and it updates and shows you what it looks like. The one thing DW needs is the ability to open an archive without unzipping. Maybe they'll hear us at Adobe and include that some day. Who knows maybe DWCC has that ability already, I haven't checked that yet. InDesign CC has a lot of new updates for digital publishing but I will wait for my new computer (whenever) for the subscription model of Adobe software. Don't like their approach on that like many other graphics pros.