Amazon won't automatically "re-set" previous purchases.
We would be happy to contact Amazon to let them know that your content has been updated.
Amazon will then review the changes, and take the action they deem appropriate to the situation. The review process can take up to four weeks.
Here are the actions they may take:
1. If the changes made to your content are considered major, Amazon will send an email to all customers who own the book to notify them that the update exists. These customers can choose to receive the update through their Manage Your Kindle page on Amazon.com.
2. If the changes made to your content are considered minor, Amazon won't be able to notify all customers by email, but they will enable them to update the book's content through the Manage Your Kindle page on Amazon.com.
3. If the changes made to your content have caused unexpected critical issues with the book content, Amazon may temporarily remove your book from sale. They will notify BookBaby of the issues they found so that we can fix them. The review process then begins again.
I told them to let Kindle know about the update so we'll see how long it takes and whether they'll send notifications. It's not a super serious problem but I want everyone to get the ebook that I created, not the one that displays differently and not as well.
I will let you know what happens.
-The Publisher