Amazon has come out with a simple epub tool for creating fixed layout e-books for comics and manga. People are always excited about the idea of a no learning curve app for creating e-books. I would love to see that too however that tool is not with us as yet and may not be for some time. They think making e-books must be a simple task; you just dump some content in one end, click and out pops a fully functional e-tome with all the bells and whistles. Sadly no, that's not how an e-book is made. Can you make a p-book as easily? I don't think so, so why this assumption that the computer will do it all for us? We live in the clickable society. Computers are all-powerful, photoshop is the be all end all in graphics creation. Even if that were true, why would you want to live in a world where your individual contribution is dwarfed by a mindless machine? I guess it all boils down to either being lazy or just not having enough time to do all the things we need to do to get by day to day. It's too hard to learn everything it takes to create an e-book from scratch, I can't learn this stuff, it's too techie. Well, in 2003 I basically bought my first computer to use for work. It was a little hard but I learned. In 2011 I found out I no longer had a job that I had depended on for 35 years. I wanted to self publish my own books in one way or another because I had a lot of content I could use. I took on-line courses to learn epub production and in a short time I had two e-books on the market earning me a steady income which came straight to my bank account. I wasn't some genuis, I just had the drive and motivation to learn and I did. I'm still learning all the time about new ways of making e-books, learning is a process that never ends unless you just give up and consign yourself to the fates.
Comics Creator could be a great tool to get you started on the way to self publishing but I don't believe it is the tool you'll want for all things. R. Scot Johns has a great website for learning Kindle epub production and he has tested KC2 extensively, giving a pretty good overview of it. Wonderfully, the epub geniuses out there are not shy about sharing their knowledge about how you too can create an epub file. There are many sites and blogs detailing their studies and methods. It is truly amazing how much info is out there for the aspiring indie publisher. All you have to do is turn off the TV and get started. What could be easier? I always remember the old saying, "Not begun is never done."
You can see R. Scots blog entry on KC2 here:
Comics Creator could be a great tool to get you started on the way to self publishing but I don't believe it is the tool you'll want for all things. R. Scot Johns has a great website for learning Kindle epub production and he has tested KC2 extensively, giving a pretty good overview of it. Wonderfully, the epub geniuses out there are not shy about sharing their knowledge about how you too can create an epub file. There are many sites and blogs detailing their studies and methods. It is truly amazing how much info is out there for the aspiring indie publisher. All you have to do is turn off the TV and get started. What could be easier? I always remember the old saying, "Not begun is never done."
You can see R. Scots blog entry on KC2 here: