The inimitable Troz
Well dear e-readers, circumstances have conspired to defeat our plans for an April upload for George Trosley's How To Draw CARtoon Cars
e-dition. The e-book is nearly finished, just some final code work to stylize the appearance and assure it displays correctly on a device. Much testing and validating along the way but then you get that lovely little window that says...
e-dition. The e-book is nearly finished, just some final code work to stylize the appearance and assure it displays correctly on a device. Much testing and validating along the way but then you get that lovely little window that says...
... and your book is fini. It is now (officially when you upload it to a seller or aggregator and it goes live across the webiverse) eternal (or at least as long as there is an internet or a device to read it) and it will be available (never does an e-book get pulled off the shelf) to future generations of plugged in people. But with the right book it can also be a little golden egg laid on your desktop bringing you income in monthly sales, the sky being the limit!
Now back to work e-slave! The Troz awaits!!
Now back to work e-slave! The Troz awaits!!